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萧红小说的创作曾长期在她熟悉的乡土生活与她不甚熟悉的政治生活之间摆动着,游弋在社会关怀与内心需求两种创作动力的冲突之间。在她的创作中,往往是疏离社会关怀而源自内心需求的作品更能体现她的艺术才华和天分。但作家在艺术个性充分实现的过程中长期彷徨不定,浪费了很多才华和精力,留下了诸多遗憾。  相似文献   
以红心萝卜为原料提取了红心萝卜紫色素,并对其理化性质和稳定性进行了研究.结果表明,该色素用蒸馏水浸泡提取,提取率为7.4%.色素的水溶性好,对光、热、弱酸性至碱性介质及食品添加剂相当稳定,耐受一般的食品饮料加工条件.色素对氧化剂和还原剂的耐受能力较弱.红心萝卜紫色素是一种提取工艺简单、性质稳定、颜色鲜艳、价廉易得、来源充足的天然色素,可用于色糖果、面食品、果汁饮料、茶饮料、碳酸饮料及酒类.  相似文献   
反求诸己,是贯穿《孟子》一书的主要哲学观念,是中国文化传统中思维指向与思维形式概括与准确的表述之一。理解与把握这种思维指向与思维形式,于当下的文化建设与个人修养,仍有十分重要的意义。孟子的反求诸己,直接源自孔子。反求诸己"心",是孟子反求诸己的理论基础。如何对待"横逆",是孟子于反求诸己的突出贡献。  相似文献   
一、研究源起 教师的专业成熟要经过一个长期的发展过程,从一个新教师成长为一个合格的、优秀的教师乃至知名的教育家,不是一蹴而就的,就专业成熟的过程而言,需要经历一个发展阶段。因此,对教师成长的周期和规律的研究,有助于为教师指明个人的专业发展道路,为教师的专业学习和训练提供需要的基本内容。  相似文献   
晚明思想家、文学家李贽在其著作《焚书?琴赋》中提出了“琴者心也”的观点,这一命题对晚明及其后的琴乐发展产生了深远影响。许多学者认为这是对儒家礼乐思想的反叛。然而,深层挖掘“琴者心也”之“心”的思想内涵并梳理历代琴论,可以发现,李贽此说并非空谷之音。“琴者心也”是顺着主流琴乐思想之外的注重古琴自身艺术特性的琴乐思想发展而来的,这种思想并非离经叛道,而是一种对僵化的琴论的内在批判,以引导琴论健康发展。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to analyse the training load in wheelchair basketball small-sided games and determine the relationship between heart rate (HR)-based training load and perceived exertion (RPE)-based training load methods among small-sided games bouts. HR-based measurements of training load included Edwards’ training load and Stagno’s training impulses (TRIMPMOD) while RPE-based training load measurements included cardiopulmonary (session RPEres) and muscular (session RPEmus) values. Data were collected from 12 wheelchair basketball players during five consecutive weeks. The total load for the small-sided games sessions was 67.5 ± 6.7 and 55.3 ± 12.5 AU in HR-based training load (Edwards’ training load and TRIMPMOD), while the RPE-based training loads were 99.3 ± 26.9 (session RPEres) and 100.8 ± 31.2 AU (session RPEmus). Bout-to-bout analysis identified greater session RPEmus in the third [P < 0.05; effect size (ES) = 0.66, moderate] and fourth bouts (P < 0.05; ES = 0.64, moderate) than in the first bout, but other measures did not differ. Mean correlations indicated a trivial and small relationship among HR-based and RPE-based training loads. It is suggested that HR-based and RPE-based training loads provide different information, but these two methods could be complementary because one method could help us to understand the limitations of the other.  相似文献   
This study compared heart rate recovery (HRR) after incremental maximal exercise performed at the same external power output (Pext) on dry land ergocycle (DE) vs. immersible ergocycle (IE). Fifteen young healthy participants (30?±?7 years, 13 men and 2 women) performed incremental maximal exercise tests on DE and on IE. The initial Pext on DE was 25?W and was increased by 25?W/min at a pedalling cadence between 60 and 80?rpm, while during IE immersion at chest level in thermoneutral water (30°C), the initial Pext deployment was at a cadence of 40?rpm which was increased by 10?rpm until 70?rpm and thereafter by 5?rpm until exhaustion. Gas exchange and heart rate (HR) were measured continuously during exercise and recovery for 5?min. Maximal HR (DE: 176?±?15 vs. IE 169?±?12?bpm) reached by the subjects in the two conditions did not differ (P?>?.05). Parasympathetic reactivation parameters (ΔHR from 10 to 300?s) were compared during the DE and IE HR recovery recordings. During the IE recovery, parasympathetic reactivation in the early phase was more predominant (HRR at Δ10–Δ60?s, P?<?.05), but similar in the late phase (HRR at Δ120–Δ300?s, P?>?.05) when compared to the DE condition. In conclusion, incremental maximal IE exercise at chest level immersion in thermoneutral water accelerates the early phase parasympathetic reactivation compared to DE in healthy young participants.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、教学实验法和数理统计法,就高校体育课对大学生心肺功能的影响进行实验研究.结果显示:体育课能有效改善大学生的心肺功能;情感策略教学方法对大学生的心功能改善具有明显的促进作用,对肺功能FVC、FEV1.0、MVV等指标也有一定程度的提高作用,虽然不具显著性,但比传统教学方法仍显示出较大的优势.建议高校体育教学改革要以“促进青少年身心健康、体魄强健”为方向,以提高大学生体质健康水平为基础目标,创新教学模式和方法,不断优化教学效果.  相似文献   
目的::观察人参黄连对力竭运动大鼠血清肌钙蛋白T( cTnI)、脑钠肽( BNP)的影响,探讨其对运动力竭大鼠心脏的保护机制。方法:运用游泳运动建立大鼠疲劳模型,随机分为人参黄连运动即刻组( A)、人参黄连运动后24h组(B)、人参黄连安静组(C)、运动即刻组(D)、运动后24h组(E)、安静组(F),C、F组休息状态,A 、B、D、E组游泳训练。采用酶联免疫吸附测定法测定大鼠血清cTnI和BNP。 B、C、E、F组血cTnI和BNP值明显低于A、D组(P<0.01)。此外,与E组相比,B组血cTnI和BNP值明显降低。结论:人参黄连可降低血清cTnI和BNP,直接或间接促进心肌可逆性损伤和局域性不可逆微损伤的恢复,对力竭运动大鼠心脏损伤有保护作用,对运动性疲劳也有消除或延缓作用。  相似文献   
目的::探讨运用限定级数YO-YO IR2测试以及心率恢复速率评价我国优秀女足运动员的间歇恢复能力。方法:运用测试法对2013年冬训期间的10名国家女足运动员进行YO-YO IR2测试、心率监控以及比赛监测,采集运动员测试跑动距离、心率特征以及比赛中高强度跑动距离,进行统计学分析。结论:女足运动员YO-YO IR2测试结果以及心率恢复速率与比赛中的高强度跑动能力具有紧密相关性,提示YO-YO IR2测试以及心率监控可以作为评价女足运动员间歇性恢复能力的有效方法。与传统的力竭性YO-YO IR2测试法相比,采用限定级数的YO-YO IR2测试后的心率恢复速率评价更易于女足运动员接受,在训练中具有更好的适用性。  相似文献   
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